"Groupe de travail" on transcendental syntax, May 28, 2018 – May 29, 2018
Reading group at the LIPN (Paris 13).
Organizers: Paolo Pistone and Thomas Seiller.
The "groupe de travail" will be structured as a reading group dedicated to the last three papers by Jean-Yves Girard on transcendental syntax (which can be found here). In particular, we will try to understand together Girard's proposal to reconstruct the first-order predicate calculus in terms of generalized multiplicative connectives (so we will mainly focus on appendix A of the second paper and sections 2 and 5 of the third paper).
May 28, 2018:
- Paolo Pistone and Thomas Seiller , Stars and constellations (paper 1)
- Paolo Pistone and Thomas Seiller , Stars and constellations (paper 1)
- Paolo Pistone and Thomas Seiller , Generalized connectives
- Paolo Pistone and Thomas Seiller , First-order logic (paper 3 section 2-5)
May 29, 2018:
- Paolo Pistone and Thomas Seiller , First-order logic (paper 3 section 2-5)