LI2022: Linear logic winter school, Jan. 24, 2022 – Jan. 28, 2022

The rĂ´le Linear Logic as an underlying structure of logic and computation is widely acknowledged. As such, it is not only a research subject in itself, but also a conceptual framework, offering an original and fruitful viewpoint on the objects of logic and computer science.

This school will offer an introduction to the main concepts and essential results in Linear Logic, based on an undergoing project to produce a reference textbook, within the International Research Network on Linear Logic. The lectures will be given by some of the foremost experts of the subject, involved in that collaborative effort. The school will moreover include a lab work session, using recently developed software to construct and manipulate Linear Logic proofs.

In addition to the lectures, the week will be concluded by a series of tutorial talks on a selection of advanced subjects, reflecting current research directions involving Linear Logic.